Get Your Friends in on the Secret: How to Invite Someone to a Private Board On Pinterest
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Get Your Friends in on the Secret: How to Invite Someone to a Private Board On Pinterest


Have you ever wanted to keep your pins private but shared with just the right people? Well, you’re in luck! We have a solution, and it’s called a Private Pinterest Board.

A Private Pinterest Board is a special type of board that allows you to invite friends and family who share your same interests – whether it’s fashion, art, food, or travel. You can create as many boards as you want, and each board can be completely secret or open to the public. That way, you can control exactly who sees your pins.

But how do you invite someone to join your Private Pinterest Board? All it takes is a few clicks of the mouse! In this article, we’ll show you how to easily invite someone to your private Pinterest board. Read on for our insider tips for keeping that board under wraps!

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Understanding Pinterest’s Secret Board Feature

When you want to keep your pinning private, the secret board feature on Pinterest is the way to go! With it, you can share with only the people who have permission to view. But before you get your friends in on the secret, it’s important to understand how this works.

First of all, make sure that you’re using a personal account on Pinterest. You won’t be able to create a secret board with a business account. Once your account is set up, click on “Add Board” and select “Create Secret Board.” Then it’s time to set up the board title and description so that your friends know what the board is about.

Next, decide who will be invited to view the board by adding their name or email address in the “Collaborators” field. By default only people you invite are allowed to repin from your secret boards—though you can go in and change this setting at any time. And don’t forget: once someone has been invited, they can add more collaborators too!

Now that you understand how Pinterest’s secret board feature works it’s time for you get people in on your secret!

How to Create a Secret Board on Pinterest

Creating a secret board on Pinterest is a great way to keep those special pins safe and private. Whether you’re planning a surprise party or getting ideas for your next craft project, having a secret board helps keep your plans out of the public eye. Thankfully, it’s easy to do. Here’s how:

  1. Log into your account and go to the Pinterest home page.
  2. Click on the “+” button in the upper right-hand corner of the page and then select “Create Board” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Enter your board name and add some fun descriptions if you’d like.
  4. At the bottom of the creation pop-up window, toggle on “Secret” to make your board private and then click “Create Board” to finish up!
  5. Now that you have your secret board set up, you can start pinning away! When you’re done, invite people to join by clicking on “Invite”. You can also add people directly from their Profile or Board by clicking on the three dots icon in the right hand corner.

Following these steps will help you create a private Pinterest board that only you and invited members can see!

How to Invite Someone to Your Secret Board

Once you’ve created your secret board, you’re probably eager to share it with your friends. After all, what fun is it to have a secret board if nobody knows about it? Fortunately, inviting someone to your secret board is a breeze.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Log in to Pinterest and go to your profile page.
  2. Click on the Boards tab which shown top menu bar.
  3. Select the secret board you want to share from the list of boards.
  4. Click on the Invite button in the top right corner of the board page.
  5. Enter up to 10 email addresses or Pinterest usernames of people you’d like to invite and click Send Invitations (or choose a different option, like Copy Link).
  6. Confirm that you agree that users will have access to your secret board before sending out the invitations or copying the link.

Voila! You’ve successfully invited someone or someones to join your private Pinterest board — and they’ll be able to contribute content as well as comment and like each other’s pins!

Managing Users in Your Secret Boards

Once you’ve created a secret board and invited someone to be a collaborator, there’s still more you can do to manage the people on your board. Here’s how:

Viewing & Changing Settings

In your secret board settings, you can view all collaborators and change their permission levels. For example, if you have someone who just needs occasional access to the board, give them “view only” permissions so they can look but not make changes. You can also remove someone from a board if needed!

Inviting New People

You can also use the “Invite Someone” button in Settings to add new people as soon as you need them. Just type in their email address, and they’ll get an invite that they’ll need accept in order to join the board—and access all its contents.

When inviting new people, it’s important to make sure that they understand the secret nature of a private Pinterest Board: keep it private and don’t share the invitation link or contents publicly. If they sign up without being invited, they won’t be able to see any content on your private boards.

Managing who has access to your secret boards is just a click away with Pinterest—invite trusted friends or family members and start creating something amazing together today!

Benefits of a Secret Board on Pinterest

A secret board is a great way to get your friends in on the fun of Pinterest. With secret boards, you can share ideas, plan projects, and collaborate with friends without anyone else seeing it. Plus, if you keep it secret, other users won’t clutter up the board with their own ideas.

Increased Privacy & Security

Using a secret board gives you an extra layer of privacy and security. Friends you invite to join a secret board won’t be able to view what’s on it unless they’re accepted as collaborators—and even then, any changes or additions to the board need to go through all collaborators first. This means a private board is much less likely to be plagiarized or copied from others.

Quick Access To Your Stuff

When all your ideas are stored safely away in a private board, they’re easy to access anytime you need them. That means no more digging through old emails or texts looking for project inspiration – when it’s time to work on something, just pop open the private board and save yourself some time!

Easy Collaboration Without the Clutter

Having a private board also makes collaboration much simpler. You can easily search for content and add it directly from within the app without worrying about it being cluttered with pins from other people. Plus, each member can add their own comments and feedback so that everyone involved is on the same page for the project at hand.

Benefits of a Secret Board on Pinterest

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Secret Boards

Using secret boards on Pinterest can be a great way to show your friends what you’re really passionate about, without it being out in the open. But like with anything, it comes with its pros and cons.


The obvious advantage is that you can keep your private boards hidden from the public. You don’t have to worry about your pins being seen by people who shouldn’t have access. Furthermore, you can also invite multiple people to collaborate on secret boards – great if you have a group project coming up!


The downside is that posts on these boards won’t appear in search results or appear in other people’s feeds, meaning they might not get the exposure they deserve. Additionally, the people you invite have full access to the board – so make sure you trust them before you give them an invitation!


Keeping information private doesn’t have to be hard. With Pinterest, you can easily create a secret board and share it with a select group of friends. All you need to do is open the Pinterest app, create a secret board, decide who you want to share it with and invite them in.

It’s incredibly simple—all you have to do is create a board, click on the sharing button and then find and enter the email addresses of the people you want to share it with. By following these steps, you can easily share your private information with the people who matter most. So why not get your friends in on the secret and invite them to your secret Pinterest board today?

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